A virtual gallery exhibiting student art work from Trickum Middle School.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Adam's game comes with extra postage. Posted by Picasa

Jorge promises his game has no munny's curse! Posted by Picasa

Jeanna's game comes with a side of pickles! Posted by Picasa

Game Board by Patrick V.  Posted by Picasa

7th grade Game board design my Denetrius M.  Posted by Picasa

6th Grade bounus project for those who finished thier Molas Designs...tie dye paper. Posted by Picasa

7th Grade A-Day sculpts the human face.  Posted by Picasa

Seventh grade game design by Zack S. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Our First Pinhole picture! Taken by Micky, Eighth Grade B-day. Posted by Picasa

A Trickum Tiger by Kim A. (Eight Grade). Posted by Picasa

Vincent Van Gogh, artist of the week August 29 - September 2. This study provided by Tommy M.  Posted by Picasa

This less structured, free form project was a reward for two weeks of perfect behaivor from Seventh Grade A-Day! Posted by Picasa

More great paper results. Posted by Picasa

Marbelized paper in the Italian Renaissance tradition. Posted by Picasa

Minimalist landscapes in vibrant pastels.  Posted by Picasa

More Leaves. Posted by Picasa

Watercolor painting with contrasting warm and cool colors.  Posted by Picasa

I'm Henry the VII, I am... Posted by Picasa

More George--by sixth grader Katly C.  Posted by Picasa

Will the real Geroge Washington please step forward? Posted by Picasa

Nature Studies. Posted by Picasa