A virtual gallery exhibiting student art work from Trickum Middle School.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Handmade book by Melissa. (7th grade) Posted by Picasa

Hand made book by Eluid (7th grade). Posted by Picasa

Self Portrait by Sam (8th grade). Posted by Picasa

Self Portrait by Taylor (8th Grade).  Posted by Picasa

Self Portrait by Tina (8th Grade). Posted by Picasa

Self Portrait by Garam (8th grade). Posted by Picasa

Plaster figure sculpture by Amy. (8th grade) Posted by Picasa

Plaster figure sculpture by CJ (8th grade). Posted by Picasa

Book made from handmade paper in the Asian tradition. by Nelson, 7th grade. Posted by Picasa

Self Portrait by Soyoung. (8th grade) Posted by Picasa

Reflections entry by Aubrey. (8th grade) Posted by Picasa

Reflections entry by Rog. (8th grade) Posted by Picasa

Reflections Entry by Elise. Posted by Picasa

GDOT Bus Safety Poster contest entry by Evelyn. (8th Grade) Posted by Picasa

GDOT bus safety week poster contest entry by Riyazh. Posted by Picasa

Reflections: My Favorite Place, a chance to practice perspective drawing. Posted by Picasa

8th Grade Reflections entry by Tanny. Posted by Picasa

Future member of blue man group?  Posted by Picasa

Poke the eye I dare you! more 7th grade fish printing. Posted by Picasa

7th grade tried "Gyotaku" or fish prints from Japanese fish art tradition. Yes we printed real fish.
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8th graders build pin hole cameras (that's low tech "fotography" made in a card board box) Posted by Picasa

6th grade Digital Photography, for Lilburn Daze photo contest. by Fransisco B.  Posted by Picasa

6th Grade Digital Photo Manipulation. by Aashka P. Posted by Picasa

6th Grade Digital Photo Manipulation
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